
Results 7 - 8 of 22
Image Product Price
Elmar 4.0/135mm on focusing ring OTZFO Price: € 315,00 each
Telyt 4,5/20cm Price: € 275,00 each
Telyt 4,5/20cm in near Mint condition Price: € 485,00 each
Telyt 4,5/20cm in near Mint condition Price: € 485,00 each
Telyt 4.0/200mm Price: € 375,00 each
Telyt 4,0/200mm boxed Price: € 425,00 each
Telyt 4.8/280mm Price: € 295,00 each
Repro Elmar 4,0/90mm Price: € 420,00 each
Normkam microscope camera Price: € 315,00 each
Leitz object marker Price: € 395,00 each
Rare repro equipment Price: € 315,00 each
Leitz Summar 2,8/25 mm repro lens Price: € 80,00 each
Repro attachment YROOF boxed Price: € 220,00 each
Summar 2,8/25mm micro lens Price: € 195,00 each
Leitz VTOOX ring Price: € 115,00 each
Eskofot-Ultragon 9,0/305mm Price: € 325,00 each
Eskofot-Ultragon 9,0/210mm Price: € 330,00 each
Schneider Super-Angulon 5,6/90mm on lens board 16cm x 16cm Price: € 575,00 each
Leitz microscope lens 6/0.18 on Linhof lens board Price: € 220,00 each
Schneider Symmar 5,6/210mm on Cambo lens board Price: € 275,00 each
Schneider Tele-Arton 5,5/270mm on Cambo lens board Price: € 355,00 each
Results 106 - 126 of 195